Confirmation is the sacrament in which we receive a new, deeper outpouring of the Holy Spirit into our hearts in an extraordinary way. This process is an opportunity to be "strengthened by power from heaven, made true witnesses of Christ in word and deed, and be bound more closely to the Church” (Apostolic Constitution). As such, our confirmation process is NOT an entitlement or a “graduation” from religious education.
Children who were baptized as infants or prior to their seventh birthday participate in a gradual process of growing in the faith. This gradual process prepares each person to receive the other sacraments of initiation. Both reconciliation and first communion are prepared for and given traditionally in second grade at the age of seven or eight years old. The sacrament of confirmation is given to those in 11th grade after participating in the preparation process.
More information can be found on our Youth Christian Formation page.
If you or one or your family members are older than seven years old and are unbaptized or older than 18 years old and baptized but not confirmed, you and/or they will need to participate in our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA).
More information can be found on our Adult Christian Initiation (RCIA) page.