Youth Religious Education

(K - 8th Grade)


Blooming Catholics meet on Wednesdays during the school year from 6:00 PM until 7:15 PM at Holy Assumption.
There is a small fee of $25 per child or $50 per family to help cover program materials.
Financial assistance is available.
Seedlings (K - 1st Grade)
Seedlings grow deeper in their faith and their community through stories, art projects, and games.
Sprouts (2nd Grade)
The Sprouts prepare to receive their First Holy Communion and Reconciliation.
The First Holy Communion Program is 2 years.
Harvesters (3rd - 8th Grade)
The Harvesters dive deeper into our Catholic faith. They learn about the Bible, the traditions of the Church, lives of service, and life in Christ.
(9th - 11th Grade)
High school religious education meets on Sundays during the school year from 10:15 AM - 11:30 AM at St Rita.
There is a small fee of $25 per child or $50 per family to help cover program materials.
Financial assistance is available.
9th & 10th Grade
The 9th and 10th grade group focus on the 1st out of 2 years of confirmation preparation and will be having an in-person retreat to furthermore learn about what it means to be young Catholics.
11th Grade: Confirmation
Our 11th grade group prepares the teens for both Confirmation and their journey with God. They will go on a Confirmation retreat as they prepare to be sealed more fully with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and complete their initiation as Catholics.
The Confirmation Program is 2 years.
More information can be found here.
Further Information