West Allis Catholic Collaboration
The purpose of collaboration is to make it possible for each parish to become more effective in its mission from Jesus Christ. Collaboration is useful because it can be like a yoke that spreads the weight across three oxen, and this will allow them to pull a heavier load together than either is able to move alone. Collaboration has the potential to free up precious resources which can be used for new approaches or allow the parish to reach people on the margins. It focuses neighboring parishes on common goals, reducing competition, and increasing the impact they can have on the residents of a local area together.
These are preliminary and may change slightly as our family of parishes works and grows together.
The purpose of West Allis Catholic is four-fold and implores that we:
 1. Be a united community of believers
2. Meet parishioners' and the community's spiritual needs through liturgy and worship
3. Spread the Word of God through catechesis and testimony
4. Above all, advance the mission of Jesus Christ
West Allis Catholic desires to be a guiding light for our city of West Allis, so that all people in our community may come to experience the love and mercy of God through Jesus Christ and His Church. We strive to be a vibrant and active group of parishes that are united in faith, joined in prayer, and strengthened by community.
Respecting the life and dignity of each and every human person guides our values, which include the following:
Community Oriented
Kind and Welcoming
Forward Thinking, Vibrant, and Innovative
Passionate and Enthusiastic Followers of Christ